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First bilingual issue

Esther Cloutier
Cet article est une traduction de :
Premier numéro bilingue [fr]

Texte intégral

1We are pleased to present to you this new bilingual issue of PISTES. In so doing, we want to make Francophone work in occupational health known in the Anglo-Saxon community. The translation of this issue was made possible due to a grant from the SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada) as well as to the contribution of some authors whom we wish to thank.

2This issue addresses several research topics related to people’s work and health. First, an article by Alain Garrigou, Philippe Dubuc and Isabelle Baldi presents recent results of an action study in ergotoxicology involving pesticide-related risks. This study combines several approaches and it leads to a very disturbing diagnosis about the real effectiveness of personal protective equipment. Finally, the authors describe the “warning process” that they developed following this study. This article will also be published simultaneously in Laboreal, a Portuguese journal.

3Piecework remuneration and occupational health and safety from a perspective that takes into account ethnicity and gender is the subject of another article by Stéphanie Premji, Katherine Lippel and Karen Messing. This article describes the mechanisms by which piecework affects health. This study is based on interviews and observations of the work carried out in a large clothing manufacturing company in Montréal. These results are furthermore compared to decisions on occupational injury claims made by the Commission des lésions professionnelles (C.L.P., occupational injury board).

4An article by Alexandre Largier, Catherine Delgoulet and Cecilia De la Garza discusses the question of collective and distributed skills in the management of professional competencies. The authors associate sociological and ergonomic work approaches. The results of this study, which was carried out in a large industrial and commercial company in a high-risk sector, show that a skill management system must take into account various parameters as well as individual and collective points of view.

5Sandrine Cazabat, Béatrice Barthe and Nadine Cascino address, in an exploratory study, the question of the health of nurses in a hospital gerontology department by means of workload and occupational stress. They combine a psychosocial approach and an ergonomic approach. The authors show that the nurses implement a regulation process that is both adaptive and pathogenic, resulting in them isolating themselves in order to carry out their tasks so that they can deal with a heavy workload ; this isolation has impacts on their health.

6Finally, PISTES met with a pioneer, Catherine Cailloux Teiger. She describes a research path during which she was interested in women’s work, work attrition, ageing in the workplace, as well as differential morbidity and mortality. She also discusses training, a field that has always interested her.

7We again have impressive statistics to present to you ; the consultations are just as numerous. For six months, more than 12,400 servers connect every month to the journal’s site, which corresponds to between 37,300 and 62,215 readers on average per month. We thank all the authors, reviewers and readers who are contributing to this success. We look forward to seeing the impact that the bilingual issues of PISTES will have ; we will let you know.

8We must also thank our collaborators in French and English revision as well as in the translation of the texts : Mireille Duranleau, Helen Fleischauer, Carole Biondic and Pierre Drolet. We also want to highlight the work of Ana-Maria Seifert and Michelle Aslanides who produced the Spanish translations of the summaries.

9Enjoy your reading.

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Référence électronique

Esther Cloutier, « First bilingual issue »Perspectives interdisciplinaires sur le travail et la santé [En ligne], 10-1 | 2008, mis en ligne le 01 mai 2008, consulté le 19 avril 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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Esther Cloutier

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